Welcome to Landmark Hospitals!
Below you will find the key policies that need your review. If you have any questions about these policies, please contact your leader at the hospital.
Policy Preview
(Key Policies to Review before working at Landmark Hospitals)
Clinical Policies
GC.01 Assessment Reassessment (9/2024)
GC.05 Communication Among Caregivers (1/2023)
GC.06 Basic Clinical Procedures (11/2022)
GC.18 Basic Clinical Practices (11/2023)
GC.48 Verbal & Telephone Orders (01/2023)
GL.02 Administrator on Call (08/2023)
GL.04 Escalation of Concerns (01/2023)
HR.52 Drug Free Workplace (08/2023)
PR.02 Patient Complaints and Grievances (03/2023)
PR.03 Restraint and Seclusions (08/2024)
QS.01 Patient Falls (03/2023)
QS.03 Incident Reporting (06/2024)
Additional Policies for Nursing Students
NS.04 Role of Nursing Student (01/2024)
If you have any questions about this material, please email AskHR@landmarkHospitals.com